Blackhawk Chiropractic is celebrating 24 years of serving patients in the Western Pennnsylvania and Eastern Ohio area. Since its inception BHC has succesfully treated tens of thousands of patients ranging from newborn babies to grandparents and professional NFL and MLB athletes to weekend warriors. Ours is a family practice in which we encouage entire families to reap the benefits of Chiropractic care.
Our mission is to get you well. Once you are well, we will do everything in our power to help keep you that way.

Team Effort
Unlike popping pills, there is more effort in regards to Chiropractic care. If you do your part, we commit to work hard for you, as a team, to resolve your condition.
Chiropractic first, drugs and surgery last. If we determine that we cannot help you, we will make the appropriate referral.

3602 Darlington Rd. Darlington PA 16115
Phone: 724-827-2167